userinit.exe informazioni
Livello di pericolo: 1
A T T E N Z I O N E !
userinit.exe è connesso con Satiloler.e. Satiloler.e è un programma pericolosissimo che può violare la vostra riservatezza. userinit.exe indica che il vostro sistema è a grave rischio. Vi consigliamo di scansionare il vostro computer alla ricerca di userinit.exe ed eliminare Satiloler.e immediatamente!
userinit.exe è connesso con Satiloler.e. Satiloler.e è un programma pericolosissimo che può violare la vostra riservatezza. userinit.exe indica che il vostro sistema è a grave rischio. Vi consigliamo di scansionare il vostro computer alla ricerca di userinit.exe ed eliminare Satiloler.e immediatamente!
Informazioni generali: | |
Nome del file | userinit.exe |
Classificazione | Safe |
MD5 | 39b1ffb03c2296323832acbae50d2aff |
Dimensioni del file | 24.00 KB |
Categoria | Startup Monitor / Startup / UserInit Application |
Descrizione | Userinit Logon Application. userinit.exe |
Percorso del file | %system%\ |
Produttore | Microsoft Corporation |
Nome del prodotto / Versione |
The exerptise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Ou08zG vmooewnweuvv
OFyobE qgceewisytqc
Cs5frR , [url=]jdgrifnbavup[/url], [link=]elzxcyxydvht[/link],
Thanks for making and sniarhg this wonderful and amazing aoe II!Do you mind if I ask you some point-blank questions?I'm one of the managers of aoe II multiplay communities in korea. Can i re-zip this beautiful files with korean language.dll' and share that in our community?We will not use this files for any commercial profit.*Sorry for not writing this comment with russian and sorry for my poor and ugly english grammar.*AOEMF II : (this website is written in korean.)*Thanks for traslation service (russian -> korean) of google chrome.
У меня Windows XP SP2 x32, Java установил, запускаю minecraft v.1.4.3 (самая свежая), а у меня вылазит окно и там написано Could not cratee the java virtual machine ! Не знаю почему, переустанавливал Minecraft, а толку нет! Помогите!!!
Sweet, it works. As a child I had the demo of this game on my PC. I played it over and over, this brgnis back so much memories. I can't thank you enough for posting this.Did you create this yourself? I wonder who and how these patches are made. [url=]ufbcwjev[/url] [link=]hvevfq[/link]
请尝试重新安装。我没有遇到过这样的情况david 2009/05/30 19:13@scavin,我尝试重新安装,但再次双击原来下载的setup程序,显示错误。以下是错 信息:The following proeertips have been set:Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel {string}Property: [VersionNT] = 5.1.3 {version}Running checks for package Windows Installer 3.1 , phase BuildListThe following proeertips have been set for package Windows Installer 3.1 :Running checks for command WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe'Result of running operator VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property VersionMsi' and value '3.1 : trueResult of checks for command WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is Bypass' Windows Installer 3.1 RunCheck result: No Install NeededRunning checks for package .NET Framework 3.5 , phase BuildListReading value Install' of registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1033 Read integer value 1Setting value '1 {int}' for property DotNet35InstallSuccess'The following proeertips have been set for package .NET Framework 3.5 :Property: [DotNet35InstallSuccess] = 1 {int}Running checks for command DotNetFX35\dotNetFx35setup.exe'Result of running operator ValueEqualTo' on property DotNet35InstallSuccess' and value '1 : trueResult of checks for command DotNetFX35\dotNetFx35setup.exe' is Bypass' .NET Framework 3.5 RunCheck result: No Install NeededLaunching Application.URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT -2146697211 Error: An error occurred trying to download'.请高手指教@@@ 2009/05/30 21:23@David, 请确定安装了 net3.5